Monday 1 July 2013

An afternoon at the allotment

After lots of hard work on the allotment over the weekend me and Della pushed our wheel barrow full of bark chippings down to the allotment today. It took quite a long time to walk there but we did and no one got hurt!

Once there we cut open the bags and spread them on the special family corner we built - with the help of Granda Len. This is a spot where me and Della can sit down and have a break from digging and planting with a snack and a drink.

After the spreading we did just that - sat down and had a little break with some biscuits

Then it was back to it with the hose out. Della has become very good and grown up with the hose, she only occasionally splashes herself with water and that is mainly on purpose.

After watering, more raking the bark chippings, just to make sure they are flat

Then as we set off home Della took a tumble and scuffed up her knees, she has constant scabs on her knees from running too fast and falling. This time however she saw it the perfect opportunity to plead to sit in the wheelbarrow and get pushed all the way home. She giggles all the way home and kept telling me it was fun and she was happy - think I might have started something.... 

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