Saturday 13 July 2013

Potty training live

Like springwatch live, Africa live and bedtime live here we are at potty training live!

So, it's about 28 degrees outside and we have decided that today is the day to start potty training. There are many reasons for this.
  • Della has had about three or four wee's in the potty already 
  • She likes to sit on the potty and read her books or sing songs
  • She tells us normally either when she has or is about to need the loo
  • She has moved up to the big girls room at nursery so sees people going to the loo all day
  • She wants to wear her fairy knickers 
  • This is the last weekend in a while that we are able to stay in the house all weekend and I then have monday and tuesday at home too 
  • Generally we can tell that she is ready and it is our fear holding her back not her inability to use the potty

So, we are going cold turkey. No nappies form today except at night time.

Its 10am and Della is yet to use the facilities (including the floor) at all! She definitely understands it is a special day and has spent lots of time sitting on the potty and her special toilet seat. It's going to be an interesting day...

So far we have mainly entertained her by reading and dancing...

We all love this song to dance to...

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