Friday 13 June 2014

Birthday weekend in Cambridge

Dell had her 3rd birthday last Friday. We started the day in York, then travelled to Cambridge as we had a wedding to go to in Ely on the saturday. Of which I'm sure there will be some pics soon (Della loved disco dancing so much she kept running away from us to join in on her own...)

Here are a few pics from the weekend

She very much enjoyed reading her book from cousin Bluet.

She also got a new cash register from Gran Helen, which she was very happy playing with. 

She also (unsurprisingly) really enjoyed Gran Helen's strawberry cake!

...and watching Curious George the movie... 

This was Della's first ever boiled egg. It went down very well, as did her Mam's 
which Della polished off for her.

 Ice cream in the park


This is her new bike. She loves it (especially Lulu the panda which came with it) 
and pretty much travelled everywhere on it. 

We also took a short ride up the river on a narrow boat, which was running special trips for 
Strawberry Fair. 

At first she wasn't that interested in being afloat... 

...then she discovered pictures to colour in!

...and then ducks which were worth getting excited over!

This was her having 5 minutes to herself listening to a nursery rhymes CD, including songs from the 40's. She especially liked the laughing policeman.

All in all she had a lovely time.

And this is her first entirely single handedly made playdough character.

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