Monday 16 June 2014

Wedding party

On 7th June we celebrated a wedding. Our friends Andy and Martin tied the knot in Ely. Della was very excited and got very dressed up. As it was the day after her birthday she was feeling especially like a big girl!

Her dress was very floaty
On the tables there were little goody bags for the children - during the speeches Della stuc all the stickers on her

There was a BBQ and then a very impressive raspberry pavlova - it was very yummy! 

Outside there was a bouncy castle - perfect in the sunshine

Simon had a little cuddle with Theo
Della talked with Amy about the lovely wedding cake

The highlight of the day for Della was the disco. When the curtains were closed, the lights went down and the music came on loud Della was pretty awe struck and loved it. She danced all night and by 11.30pm she was crying as we dragged her away from the dance floor. She could have stayed dancing into the early hours. In fact I was more tired than her!

 Some video of the dancing

All in al it was a beautiful day and I'm pretty convinced Della will have a memory of it as she grows into an adult. My happiest feeing about this is that she will know that two boys getting married is the norm and as romantic and beautiful a thing in the world.

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