Sunday 30 November 2014

Bath time

Apart from snuggling in bed with Gus, Della's favourite thing is to bath with him. She thinks it is hilarious for some reason and screams and kicks up a fuss when he has to get out... 

Another day, another bath time... 

Morning time

Traditionally Della runs into our room on a morning and snuggles in bed for a bit. However, now Gus is here she is bored of us and only wants to snuggle with him. Handy for us is that Della is his favourite person, he smiles and gets all excited wiggling his arms and legs for her more than anyone else. If only we could nap back off to sleep as they entertain each other - hopefully one day, although who knows how long their mutual love will last!! 

Another morning, another play time... 

Della subtedly shows Gus who is in charge with an arm stretch! 

Thursday 27 November 2014

Della and Asta

Della has a friend called Asta. She is 5 years old. Asta has a brother called Henry. He is 2 years old. Della loves playing with them both for different reasons. With Asta she can dress as a princess, do crafts and practice writing and drawing. With Henry she can run, jump, throw and do more adventurous things. All the while I can talk nonsense, drink tea and eat biscuits with their mum. 

Visiting their house is a perfect afternoon out... 

Dressed as Elisa from Frozen Della dances with Daddy

Monday 24 November 2014

Lazy Sunday

Today was a lazy day. This morning Della was highly entertained putting her clothes on the wrong way! Those are leggings on her head and a shirt on her legs

Then because she has grown quite tall recently she needed a new car seat so while daddy looked after Gus me and her cleaned and hoovered the car to put her new big girls seat in. Although she did lots of recasting in her old seat

Buggy board

Today I bought this... 

I made it look like this... 

Then Sella liked like this... 

Then this... 

Sunday 23 November 2014

Children in need dress up day

Last Friday was children in need day. At preschool all the children were asked to dress up as superheroes and donate some money. They all love dressing up! 

It turns out that although there are a few female superhero characters Della choose to dress as SuperDella. Simon fashioned a 'D' top and I made a cape... 

Friday 21 November 2014

Della gets jabbed

This week Della had to get her preschool jabs. These are boosters from the vaccinations she had as a baby. She had two injections - one in the top of each arm. She also had the her flu vaccination which was a squirt up each nostril. 

She did very well and didn't even whimper even though it clearly hurt. She did get a certificate though! 

Tuesday 18 November 2014

Other things from up north

While in Durham Gus met some of the Mckenzie clan. 

Including a visit from uncle (ish) graham on his motorbike. She was very excited to ride it and wear his helmet! 

Della played with her great cousin Neve

And quite excitedly she learnt how to make loom bands - well GranAnne learnt and Della helped! 

Then, always, Lego

Here are a few of Gus having a cuddle... 

Monday 17 November 2014

Just looking out of the window

That is all... 

Gus goes north

This weekend, and at five weeks old, we ventured north with the family. Della was very excited as she hasn't been since I was about 34 weeks pregnant. 

We hung out at home, played with Ethan and received my visitors including various Aunty and uncles and my cousins. It was fun and not as much hard work getting the two children up there as we had thought! 

More photos and commentary to follow