Friday 30 January 2015


Today Simon had to get up very early to film at the National Railway Museum - apparently a very important train (something to do with Churchill) is travelling very slowly into the main hall. I think it is a steam one. The BBC, ITV and Sky news are going to be there so it must be very very important. The last film Simon made for them got 80,000 hits online do getting up very early is worth it...
That meant that me Della and Gus were left to get ourselves sorted and off to prescchool. Amazingly this is the first time (except for when we've been in Durham) that this has happened. Della was very good and helped get Gus ready then did lots of playing by herself.
Then we went to Preschool. Our walk was delayed by chatting to people on the street. We were talking about school places (a controversial thing here in York). Della overheard the conversations and got quite excited. She REALLY wants to go to school and although this will happen in September she thinks it will happen sooner.
Here is Della's peg at preschool. D for Della and dolphin  
We had to pop Gus on the floor while we took off coats and boots. He fell asleep.

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