Friday 1 April 2016

A visit to Leeds

Yesterday it was daddy's turn to look after Della during half term, and after dropping Gus at nursery we headed to Leeds to see uncle nick. Or Unky Nicky as Della calls him. 

She was excited to be on the top deck of the bus, at the front as we went into town.  

And we saw a gold Olympic postbox. 

There were gold owls in millennium square 

We went to Leeds City museum, and saw lots of stuffed animals. Della asked how to stuff a tiger. I tried to explain, and she seemed to take it in. Not sure if she'll want to try taxidermy at home but she enjoyed looking at them. 

We had some lunch

Before della planned where to go next. 

Upstairs at the Ancient Worlds gallery, Della learnt how to spell her name in Ancient Greek. She also answered 4 out of 6 questions about Greek gods correctly. The answers included Atlas, Sirens and Midas. She said she'd read about King Midas in a Kipper book only yesterday. 

We popped into the Henry Moore sculpture gallery briefly, where there were some coal based artworks. She asked what one which had 3 piles of carefully arranged coal meant, I said I wasn't sure, she said maybe it was so we knew how much coal we each used.  

Then we returned to Nicks house to watch Paddington on his home cinema with popcorn. Della was very happy 

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