Thursday 30 March 2017


Such giggles on the swing

I want to ride my bicycle

We went to the park the other day. Gus decided to go on his bike. He is starting to get the hang of it - needs the seat moving up already though. He was very proud of himself...

Mystery play

Last week Della's school performed a (world famous) Mystery play at Church. this involved some quite dramatic acting from the older pupils and some dancing and singing from the younger ones, Della included.

Gus was mainly happy there were cakes on sale for Comic Relief

Another day, another trip to Flamingo Land

Last weekend were the last few days you could get into Flamingo land for £10 each. So we invited the Browne's down and we all skipped off for more Pirate, ride and animal action...

(GranAnne knit Della a hat with fancy pom pom so although it was the hottest day we have had, it took her a while to admit defeat to the sun!)

Lunch with giraffes!

A Red panda!

Simon and Granda on the very fast and high swing thing...

Tuesday 21 March 2017

Gran Helen and Nick visit

Last weekend we had a visit from Gran Helen and Uncle Nick. Over the weekend we went into town with Della wearing dragon wings, made pasta, went to Askham Bryan lambing day where Della held both a lamb and a barn owl, and played in the garden...  also I took Gus to a trampoline park and he watched the builders deliver sand next door... 

Wednesday 15 March 2017


Della went to gym club when she was younger. It was great as it was basically a fully equipped gymnastics centre where after a 10 minute lesson the kids could run off and push themselves are far as comfortable.
Gus is on the waiting list for gym club and but it is such a long list 9and he has been on since birth!) that I thought we should try out a new trampoline centre in York.. It was a hit was Gus! And adults are actively encouraged to go for it to, so it was fun.


Never before has this boy been so sweaty!

Castle howard

We have membership meaning we can go to Castle Howard and play whenever we want. We love it here. It has a great park, it's muddy but there are places to get warm and have a cuppa.

The best thing though is our 'family' spot in the woods where we always go to have warm soup and bread