Thursday 29 September 2011

50 posts and four months old

Della was four month old at the beginning of this week and this is our 50th post. To celebrate here is a photo of a giant Mam (me) and a little baby monkey on her hip (Della) taken yesterday in the blazing sunshine as Della recovered from her three injections - also given to celebrate her turning four months old.

Tuesday 27 September 2011

A few weekends ago...

We went to Durham as my two cousins were having their two children Christened. This was the first time Della had been to church and it seemed meeting Jesus was a little too tiring for her...

After the splashing of heads and following the lovely lady vicar giving both Neve and Harry a certificate and cute little books each we headed to the Working Mans Club for the after show party. This was another first for Della. Considering she never hardy naps during the day the working men and the beer seemed to help her nod off again.

When she woke thought the whole family wanted a little cuddle and play. She was glad she had put on her best dress and showed off with a few smiles. 

She wasn't sure that her Dad should be enjoying his beer so much, although she did think it was a pretty colour and found it quite interesting for a time. 

Overall, Della enjoyed her day meeting God and working men...

Saturday 24 September 2011

Della around 4 months

I'm (Simon that is) looking after the good lady again and while she naps briefly I've uploaded a few more pics of Della at around 4 months old...

There are some more of her enjoying her first visit to the Dales, one of her piercing eyes, and one of her pulling her mum's nose!

We're learning new things almost every day about her - silly things like she likes having her tummy blown on (raspberry style), and she has strong legs when it comes to splashing in the bath, or that she likes the word 'Potato'. But also things like it's amazing how big she's getting so quickly, how much attention she needs and how much she's now taking in and even how she copies things we do.

Also, some video of Della relaxing in her cot and making some funny noises

And a video of her playing around with her mum's nose

Also, Della now tries to eat everything. This is her trying Octopus:

And this is how Giraffe went down

But it's no surprise - look at her parents

Friday 23 September 2011

It's been yonks

So it has been ages since we blogged. Its been a busy couple of weeks. 

While we sorted a few photos and films out here are a couple of photos from our anniversary trip to Burnsall. Simon has some very nice photos and I'm sure he will add a slide show at soe point. in the meantime...

It was lovely to show Della where we got wed

it was a lovely sunny day

Simon bought some plums off a young boy in Grassington

Sunday 11 September 2011

Happy Anniversary

So today is our 2nd wedding anniversary. As a treat went went to the Dales to celebrate and show Della where we took our nuptials - more on this to follow...

As a treat for Della (and us) we also decided to take Della for her first (none bath based) water experience. We were a little nervous about this - she normally likes her water quite warm and any cold water can cause a few screams. Nevertheless she doned her swimming costume and swimming nappy. I was hugely relieved to her that there were family changing rooms...

Then we proceeded to the pool and Della took to the water like a duck. All in all we were in the pool around 45 minutes and she went in her float and had time just splashing around. At one point we thought she might actually nap in the water as she started yawning.

Unfortunately we weren't able to take photo's in the pool but her are a few cute snaps post swim.

Here dad gives her a cuddle to keep warm

A wet but happy little lady
Simon struggles to get all the air out of her float

After being bundled back into her sleep suit all the excitement takes it's toll and Della has to have a little nap in the changing room!

Friday 9 September 2011

While Della naps...

Della has been asleep for 30 minutes now. This is very unusual. She seems to think that because she sleeps through the night she doesn't have to nap during the day and give her Mam a break.

However, while she continues this unusual/ amazing nap here are some funtime bathtime shots. She doesn't like to be in a baby bath alone so this is a perfect opportunity for me to get in and have a little soak for half an hour, you know while the water cools a bit for her. I would never run it too hot at first to guarantee I have a soak with a book, no never...

She needs a little eye contact with Dad at first. Just to make sure....

Then she pulls funny faces while being swooshed around. She is enjoying herself, honest

This was a new face from Della

Those eyes are gonna break some hearts 

Say Cheese

So last week I mentioned that I had very few photos of Della smiling. This is normally because i am so caught up in feeling good about myself because my baby is smiling that i never have time to reach for the camera. This week though I have made it my mission to take a few photos of her smiling. Prepare for smile fest below. Next week - videos of her giggling!

Just after breakfast in bed

A gummy grin

a snuggly smile rolling around on the floor

At Gran Anne's house preparing for getting ready for the day

Having a cuddle from Granda

Even with teething dribble everywhere she still has a chuckle

This double chin is proof she has put a pound on in two weeks

Who doesn't smile lying on the floor listening to the sounds of the jungle?!

Travel time is always fun

This is my favourite photo - how cute?!

her eyes are smiling here

Wednesday 7 September 2011

Pops goes to Aberdeen

So Simon has been away for five days. He went up to Aberdeen to help his Dad on the straw build house. While he was on top of a roof pounding nails into boards me and Della spent a few days with Gran Anne and Granda. We got up to lots of adventures. We learnt that Della loves her Granda's fish, they entertained her for quite sometime - must be all the pretty colours...

Della also went to Fangfest. This is a festival of crafts at the village of Fangfoss just outside of York. The main thing we went to visit was the Rocking Horse Shop. Dad got a few orders for horse's recently so needed to pick up all the bits he needed. Della didn't really notice the horses but she did enjoy all the attention she got...

So Della seems to be dealing with her wind a little bit better (with the help of baby Gaviscon) however, now, it seems she is teething already. This is a little early and although there is no little white tooth popping through yet she is constantly dribbling, chewing on her hand. I thought I would try her with one of her toys that she could chew to see if it would help and she instantly rammed her Sophie the Giraffe into her mouth and started chewing. Bring on teething!! 

 There are lots of firsts for Della at the moment. We are starting to transfer her from boob to bottle. This is not an easy feat. Her bottle really does not compare for her so there are lots of screams trying to get the bottle down her. At the moment she will only take it from me or Simon. Although I thought we had had a break through when she started taking it from both Gran and Granda, however half way through she seemed to realise that this was not what she ordered and screamed the house down. After lots of perseverance I managed to give her the rest. I though bottle feeding was meant to be quicker and that anyone could do it. Seems not at the moment - I'm sure she just needs time...

Tuesday 6 September 2011

Introducing Ethan Joseph Browne

So Simon's brother Ben had a baby about a month before Della arrived and now my brother Steven has had a baby. Ethan is about three weeks old now. Can you see a family resemblance??