Wednesday 7 September 2011

Pops goes to Aberdeen

So Simon has been away for five days. He went up to Aberdeen to help his Dad on the straw build house. While he was on top of a roof pounding nails into boards me and Della spent a few days with Gran Anne and Granda. We got up to lots of adventures. We learnt that Della loves her Granda's fish, they entertained her for quite sometime - must be all the pretty colours...

Della also went to Fangfest. This is a festival of crafts at the village of Fangfoss just outside of York. The main thing we went to visit was the Rocking Horse Shop. Dad got a few orders for horse's recently so needed to pick up all the bits he needed. Della didn't really notice the horses but she did enjoy all the attention she got...

So Della seems to be dealing with her wind a little bit better (with the help of baby Gaviscon) however, now, it seems she is teething already. This is a little early and although there is no little white tooth popping through yet she is constantly dribbling, chewing on her hand. I thought I would try her with one of her toys that she could chew to see if it would help and she instantly rammed her Sophie the Giraffe into her mouth and started chewing. Bring on teething!! 

 There are lots of firsts for Della at the moment. We are starting to transfer her from boob to bottle. This is not an easy feat. Her bottle really does not compare for her so there are lots of screams trying to get the bottle down her. At the moment she will only take it from me or Simon. Although I thought we had had a break through when she started taking it from both Gran and Granda, however half way through she seemed to realise that this was not what she ordered and screamed the house down. After lots of perseverance I managed to give her the rest. I though bottle feeding was meant to be quicker and that anyone could do it. Seems not at the moment - I'm sure she just needs time...

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