Saturday 24 September 2011

Della around 4 months

I'm (Simon that is) looking after the good lady again and while she naps briefly I've uploaded a few more pics of Della at around 4 months old...

There are some more of her enjoying her first visit to the Dales, one of her piercing eyes, and one of her pulling her mum's nose!

We're learning new things almost every day about her - silly things like she likes having her tummy blown on (raspberry style), and she has strong legs when it comes to splashing in the bath, or that she likes the word 'Potato'. But also things like it's amazing how big she's getting so quickly, how much attention she needs and how much she's now taking in and even how she copies things we do.

Also, some video of Della relaxing in her cot and making some funny noises

And a video of her playing around with her mum's nose

Also, Della now tries to eat everything. This is her trying Octopus:

And this is how Giraffe went down

But it's no surprise - look at her parents

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